An investigation which takes advantage of Southwold's compact and diverse coastline. A combination of methods are used to assess the effectiveness at the groynes at controlling longshore drift and reduces the rates of transportation along the shore. Students understanding will be enhanced by an explanation of the coastal system at Southwold and supporting secondary data.
Price per student - from £18
For a town which has a reputation as one of Suffolk's premier places to live, this study investigates why Southwold's permanent population has halved in the last 20 years. Our fieldwork considers the factors which contribute to the declining population through a range of different methods of data collection both in residential areas and on the High Street. Supporting secondary data from 2000 allows a comparison of change over time.
Price per student - from £18
A simple 1/2 day fieldwork investigation based around an assessment of the impact tourism has had on shaping the identity and economy of Southwold. Primary fieldwork methods assess the changes experienced on the town's High Street and residential areas. The course is complimented with supporting secondary data.
Price per student - from £10
One of the few privately owned piers in the country, Southwold pier is one of the town's most popular attractions. Having been completely renovated and rebuilt in the 1990's the pier has since won accolades and plaudits for its engaging design even being recognised as National Pier of the Year. This investigation seeks to prove the success of the regeneration by assessing the relative popularity of the pier and its shops. Public perceptions are gained by a questionnaire and footfall surveys both on the pier and in the town's High Street. The course is complimented with supporting secondary data.
Price per student - from £18
A fieldwork day which maximises time for data collection and saves data presentation and further analysis for back at school. The morning fieldwork gathers evidence to assess the effectiveness of the hard engineering on Southwold's main town beach, whilst the focus switches to the High Street in the afternoon as we investigate the impact that tourism has had on the local economy. Full support resources for a complete write-up of both studies is provided.
Price per student - from £22.50
A 2 day course with consecutive days of fieldwork in Southwold. With one day focusing on coastal management and a second day one an urban issue of your choice, students use a range of qualitative and quantitative methods to gather their data. Classroom sessions support with data presentation and analysis whilst also introducing GIS and sampling. Full support materials are provided and secondary data.
*Does not include accommodation which needs to be arranged independently.
Price per student - from £45
A study which takes advantage of Southwold's varied and dynamic compact coastline to investigate the impact of coastal processes along the beach. Students use 2 quantitative methods to assess how coastal processes have created 3 distinct zones along the shoreline as well completing a questionnaire to gauge how coastal processes impact upon people at the coast. The fieldwork is complimented by the required geology map and supporting secondary data.
Price per student - from £18
Investigating changes in Southwold's Old Town. This is a town which has seen its identity and function shift considerably in recent decades, largely as a consequence of the increased rise in second-home ownership. Students complete quantitative methods of data collection both on the high street and residential areas, as well as decibel readings and qualitative methods to assess environmental variations in the urban landscape. The fieldwork is complimented by archive retail data from 2000 and a demonstration of GIS as a method of data presentation.
Price per student - from £18
A classic coastal investigation which assesses the effectiveness of the coastal management used on Southwold's beach. Students complete a range of quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection from Southwold's town beach to assess the impact of the hard engineering. A walk to the Northern part of Southwold's beach helps to identify the more holistic impact of the coastal management by witnessing evidence of beach starvation and erosion. The course is complimented by secondary data and a local geology map.
Price per student - from £18
This comparative study contrasts the quality of life in affluent Southwold to nearby Reydon, a satellite, suburban community. Students use secondary data to compare the known differences between the 2 areas before using primary fieldwork to determine the reality. Methods of data collection include environmental quality surveys, decibel readings and mood mapping. The study is complimented by suggestions on data presentation and data analysis.
Price per student - from £18
An investigation which takes advantage of Southwold's compact and diverse coastline. A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods are used to assess the effectiveness at the groynes at controlling longshore drift and the sea wall at preventing erosion. Students understanding will be enhanced by an explanation of the coastal system at Southwold and supporting secondary data.
Price per student - from £18
Southwold's identity and function has shifted considerably in recent decades as a result of the dramatic rise in counter-urbanisation and subsequent second-home ownership in and around the town. This study assesses the impact second-home ownership has had upon both residential and retail spaces within Southwold as well as the associated impact on the community. A range of methods of data collection are used and the fieldwork is supported by a range of secondary data.
Price per student - from £18
An investigation which takes advantage of Southwold's compact and diverse coastline. A combination of methods are used to assess the effectiveness at the groynes at controlling longshore drift and reduces the rates of transportation along the shore. Students also complete fieldwork to consider the quality of seafront properties and relative footfall on the town's prom to assess the effectiveness of the sea wall. Students understanding will be enhanced by an explanation of the coastal system at Southwold and supporting secondary data.
Price per student - from £18
If you would prefer to complete both your human and physical fieldwork with more time within Southwold, then we would be happy to deliver an extended residential course for you from our base in heart of the town. Students complete a 'Place Check' survey on arrival during an orientation tour of the town. The afternoon of the first day is devoted to our urban investigation with supporting classroom sessions on presentation, analysis and conclusions, we will also provide secondary data and an overview of ArcGIS.
On day 2 students complete a full coastal tour from the Denes beach to Easton Bavents, considering the effectiveness of soft and hard engineering and also the conflicts arising from a policy of managed retreat. Classroom session at the start and end of the day compliment and consolidate the fieldwork whilst also providing secondary data and a wider contextual understanding of coastal management. If there is time, an optional late afternoon crabbing session can be arranged on Southwold's haarbour.
On day 3 we support you with recommendations of local excursions, these can range from a blast on Southwold's Coastal Voyager jet boat, an educational tour of EDF Sizewell nuclear power station, an educational tour of RSPB Minsmere (famous for the being the home of BBC's Springwatch for many years), a guided tour of Horsey Seal colony, or even a visit and cruise in the Broads National Park.
Price per student - From £65 per student
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